KSR Italy

Below is a glimpse into KSR and the services we offer in Italy,  along with our design process and selected works. Our architects and interior designers work closely together to provide expertise in the high end residential sector to projects across the globe, and have particular expertise in Italy.

KSR Architects & Interior Designers is a London based practice with 40 years experience crafting beautiful homes across London and internationally. We aim to create buildings that respond to our clients’ needs and respect the locality and the environment. We have built up a detailed knowledge of the property market, and in particular the high end residential sector. This enables us to provide imaginative and effective design solutions which are timeless and add value. KSR is built on maintaining strong relationships with clients and consultants. We are proud that 90% of our work is from previous clients or referrals which is a reflection of the quality of our service and product.

Stage 1 – Site Appraisal & Purchase

KSR can assist before you even purchase your dream property in Italy. We will meet with you to discuss your brief and specific requirements, gather all the necessary information on the site and context, and create initial design or feasibility studies for discussion.

Stage 2 – Concept Design

At this stage KSR will develop and prepare concept designs for the
project. This may include site layout options, precedent studies, and 3D
sketches or visualisations.

Stage 3 – Planning

Once the design is established, KSR will prepare all the drawings and specifications necessary for the planning submission to the local authority. Using our local experience and contacts with the local Comune, Provincia and Sovraintendemza to get the Permesso a Costruire and dealing with the elaborated Italian bureaucracy, we can help to streamline the process.